
Late Wednesday Post

Bought a new shirt on my trip to Uppsala :D It's from Monki, That store sure got some wonderful things♥♥ Bought a cardigan to, it's just quite a basic gray one, I will probably show it in a post later on!

Went to coffee bar(??)  with some friends yesterday. This is what I bought! Coffee and cinnamon roll♥

My friend showed me some buttons that we will use on our bloomers that we sew for Halloween last week. They are really cute♥ Hope our costumes will turn out well :D 

Goofed around with friends for a while and then actually went on a Wano meeting! In december they will have a convention and I will be in charge of the cosplay :D I'm really looking forward to it! Anyway, this is what I eat for dinner that day. Yum♥ 

 Spent the night with two friends, talking, eating candy and watching a movie. Licorice is awesome :D

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