
Impractical Shoes


Her outfit looks so fantastically cozy! I love everything she wears on that photo. But the thing is, after looking at it for a bit I realized that the shoes she wore actually are really similar to some shoes that I tried out at H&M last week...


I already then wanted them pretty bad but since they will (in case of the humongous amount of snow we have here) get soaked I didn't buy them. Though I they have stayed in my mind for a few days now though I still want them. I admit that fabric shoes might not be that suitable for the harsh climate here up in the north but as they only cost 199 kr (about 25 dollars) it might not be such a waste anyway.

2 kommentarer:

  1. I think h&m shoes are not worth buying. At least my feet kill them right away, and tehy're not lasting very long :D I bought a bit more expensive similiar ones (not uggs) and have been wearing them months and they still look brand new!

  2. Oh thanks, I'll keep that in mind! ^^


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