
Long time no see

My hair is really damaged! Urg.

Haven't been posting in over a week, but nothing special happens anyway... Or wait, it actually does! Last weekend I where on a anime convention in called Whatevercon03. It was fun, nothing in particular but, yeah fun. The last 3 years I've been at a lot of anime conventions but I think this was my last one, at last for a year. Now I need to save money, not only for my future studies but I will hopefully go to China next summer with some friends. I really looking forward to it!

So what do I do when I really need to save money? Go out shopping! I didn't buy anything though, but I found lot's of nice stuff. I'm so bored of my old closet, I want new cosy fall clothes! But guess I have to hold on to my money for now! Argh, It's not going to be easy, but it's so worth it! :D

I donno 'bout the dress on the right but it had such a nice frill so it would be great to have under a dress or tunic!

Truth is that I acually feel quite embarrassed 'bout showing these pic's of me in a dress. Haven't seriously been wearing a dress/skirt in years! Guess I still feel too boyish to wear one in public. Right now I feel much more confidence wearing something like the grey shirt above these pic's. Even though I really love dresses too. But since I feel that I've started wearing more girly cloths lately. The possibility on (in a year or so) seeing me in public wearing a dress may not seem impossible at all.

2 kommentarer:

  1. På wano måste du ju komma :D! Det är så dyrt~

  2. Jag skulle tydligen få agera lekledare där och komma in gratis så då kan jag nog! När är nästa visning?


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